Our classrooms are one of our greatest assets, and we constantly use them for Arts Education for youth and for adults. They are available to the public for rent when available. If want to teach an art class, we would be happy to partner with you, and there would be no need for you to rent a classroom.
People can expect to enjoy the following perks when they rent one of our classrooms: lightening fast wifi, white boards & markers, utility sink, presentation easels, comfortable chairs, and a large working tables.
Art Detox: Weaving a Handmade Chain
Monday | 6:00 - 8:00 pm | Jan 20| $45
Teacher: Tori Burchill
Wire and a crochet hook are all you need to make a handwoven chain. In this 2 hour workshop, each student will learn a basic weave and begin a chain of their own in a style and material of their preference. No prior jewelry making experience necessary.