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This six-question survey should take about 10 minutes of your time. Your views will not be shared publicly. 

The ZACC is in the process of improving and updating our Equity Statement and related policies to better reflect our values and mission — and especially to make the statement more inclusive, more specific, and more actionable. Throughout the process, we are seeking the expertise and experiences of a range of community members to make certain that our mission moving forward is specific, thorough, and clear. We believe that collecting initial input before our first draft from community members like you will be invaluable to crafting an ideal statement. 

While we’ve attempted to keep this survey as concise as possible, your time and effort are meaningful and we appreciate your willingness to share your expertise. Those who complete this survey will be provided a $10 gift card usable for anything at the ZACC. Please provide your name and contact information at the bottom of the form and we will reach out when your gift card is ready to be picked up.

Click here to read our current Cultural Equity Statement.

1. What stands out in your mind as the biggest areas where people fall short or lack inclusivity to certain individuals or groups of people?
2. What do you believe is the purpose of an equity statement? What do you expect to see or wish you saw in an equity statement?
3. When reading our current statement, what do you think is missing or could be improved?
4. What actionable initiatives or policies could we enact to move towards a more equitable organization? What are we doing right?
5. What are three specific things that you would see walking into a building that would make you feel like you belong there?
6. What do people/organizations often overlook or misunderstand when trying to be more equitable or inclusive?

If you have little more time, we would welcome input on a few more questions. 

What does ‘anti-racism’ mean to you?
If you could recommend one piece of media, a website, a book that you think we should internalize as a learning opportunity, what would it be?
Do you have any other insights, information, or questions to add?
First Name *
Last Name *

Contact us via email at if you would like more information on the statement, have questions or comments, or would like to contribute more to the process. Please forward this survey to anyone you think would like the opportunity to add their insights. 

Thank you sincerely for your help!


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