Navigating the Genderverse w/ TransVisible MT
Saturday, June 17 // 10 AM to 12 PM // ZACC Conference Room // Free & Open to All
This presentation is created and facilitated by TransVisible Montana table members with the intention to create a “brave space” for folks to gain education regarding the challenges that misinformation and cisnormative systems create for transgender, non-binary, and two-spirit Montanans. Participants will learn what support is helpful in overcoming challenges, will be engaged in activities and discussions that deepen their understanding and comfort with pronouns and their use in introductions. We will explore gender as a fluid part of the human experience that expands beyond the binary, and identify effective and ineffective allyship qualities. We’ll also have the opportunity to collect physical TransVisible Montana resources such as posters, cards, and handouts, that will be helpful in their continued practice of their newly acquired knowledge and allyship skills.
To learn more about TransVisible MT visit: