Something Trashy! (FULL – Waitlist Only)
Monday through Friday | August 8-12 | 9 AM-12 PM | ZACC Print Shop/Classroom | Ages 6-12 | $125
Reuse, reduce, reimagine! In this class students will create 2D and 3D works that help bring awareness to material overuse that negatively affects our parks, lakes and rivers. We will focus on non-compostable items that end up in the landfill to take on a number of projects, such as screen printing reusable shopping bags, making found object scultpures, and making mono prints from single use packaging. We need your trash! For this camp, we will also be collecting non-compostable, clean, non hazardous items such as used T-shirts, plastic containers and bottles, plastic lids, thin single use cardboard boxes (cereal, cracker).