Desert Reflections, Works by the ZACC’s Laura Grace Barrett Resident Artist Lia Mendez
Gallery Opening on Second Friday, July 8, 5-8 PM
In the Blackfoot Communications Gallery through July
In Western culture, deserts are often mischaracterized as "wastelands," devoid of life and value. Yet in fact, desert ecosystems sustain a rich tapestry of life, including plants, insects, animals, and of course the Indiegenous peoples who have inhabited and stewarded these arid lands since time immemorial. These works celebrate the biodiversity of desert life and remind us of the inherent value of these lands, which are becoming increasingly threatened by human development and environmental degradation; occasionally even by products masquerading as "green" initiatives, such as industrial solar farms. It's an issue that highlights the fact that technology alone cannot solve the environmental challenges of our time. It is up to humanity to collectively reassess and reinvest – practically, emotionally, and spiritually – in our relationship with the living Earth which sustains us.