MMIW: Awareness through Art
Observing the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
With works by Stephanie Hohn, Jen Buckley, Stella Nall, Monica Gilles-BringsYellow, Windsong Redtail Hawk, David J. Spear, Danielle Adler, & Tasheena WolfChief
Gallery Opening on First Friday, May 6, 2022, 5-8 PM
Exhibiting in the Main Gallery through May
Visit in-person during open hours:
Monday through Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM and Sunday noon to 4 PM
This May the ZACC is holding a visual art show in our Main Gallery centered around the observance of the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. This show aims to hold the space for artists of Indigenous experience to show work of protest in whatever way they see fit. Sometimes art of protest incorporates symbols of revolt such as the red handprint that has come to symbolize the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Movement. Other times art of protest looks like visual expressions of anger or sadness, or sometimes even defiant acts of radical joy and pride in the midst of grief and fear.
This show includes the work of artists Stephanie Hohn, Jen Buckley, Stella Nall, Monica Gilles-BringsYellow, Windsong Redtail Hawk, David J. Spear, Danielle Adler, & Tasheena WolfChief.