MMIW Group Art Show
MMIW Art Call
To submit work visit our Submittable page:
In May the ZACC will be holding a visual art show in our Main Gallery centered around the observance of the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. Opening on May 5, 2022, the show will be displayed through the month of May. All submissions will be juried by an Indigenous Art Counsel.
Artist who submit to this show may choose to submit previous work that fulfills the call (see description of possible themes below), or may choose to submit representative work from their catalog, with the intention of creating new work to fulfill the call. If you would like to create new work for this show, please make note of that in the title section and include photos of similar work to be juried. Your submission will be juried based on your previous work.
The show aims to hold the space for artists of Indigenous experience to show work of protest in whatever way they see fit. Sometimes art of protest incorporates symbols of revolt such as the red handprint that has come to symbolize the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Movement. Other times art of protest looks like visual expressions of anger or sadness, or sometimes even defiant acts of radical joy and pride in the midst of grief and fear. Any and all of these forms of protest would be welcome submissions to this show.
Artists are welcome to submit up to 6 pieces of work, though we may have to limit the number of pieces hung by each artist in the show depending on the number of applicants.
Artists get 60% of proceeds from the show, the ZACC gets the remaining 40%.
Deadline to apply: Feb 20
Artist Notification of Acceptance: Feb 28
Art Drop Off Deadline: April 4-29
Gallery Opening: May 6