Spare a Buck, Man? works by D.L. Johnson in the Blackfoot Communications Gallery
Spare A Buck, Man?
Selected works by D. L. Johnson in the Blackfoot Communications Gallery
In-person Gallery Opening on Friday, November 6, 5-8 PM
Virtual Gallery Opening on Tuesday, November 10 (visit
Show will exhibit at the ZACC and online through the month of November
The ZACC is delighted to exhibit work by D. L. Johnson in our Blackfoot Communications Gallery throughout the month of November, with an in-person gallery opening on November 6, from 5-8 PM, and a virtual opening on our website on November 10.
D.L. Johnson is a freelancer illustrator, game designer, animator, and musician living in Missoula, MT. He has had the good fortune to train with respected sculptor and animator Shawn Maclean, and has worked with tabletop RPG companies including Pelgrane Press, The Hydra Cooperative, DIY RPG Productions, and most recently Far Future Games, developers of the award-winning RPG Traveler. With over 150 book credits for writing and illustration, D.L. has been lucky enough to be a part of several Ennie award-winning teams and has had his cover illustration for DIY RPG's Hubris featured in Paste magazine.